Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kids Camp

The Harrisburg Camera Club (spearheaded by Charlie Smith) in conjunction with the Harrisburg Department of Parks and Recreation conducted a week long Photography for Kids Camp from July 21-25. Each camper was supplied a camera and tripod from Canon and was given classroom instruction in addition to field work and a free lunch (who says there is no such thing?). Through the week there were several field trips including a trip to Lake Tobias Wildlife Park. I was there because I volunteered as one of the photography mentors and spent the week educating (and coralling) the campers. This was really a great program and Charlie Smith deserves tremendous accolades for what he was able to accomplish. 

Editorial Photography © Tom Wenger Photography, LLC, Harrisburg Pennsylvania Photographer
This is a picture of Rob Dixon of ABC 27 interviewing one of the campers at Lake Tobias. He also tortured me in a similar fashion eating up another 30 seconds of my 15 minutes of fame.

Editorial Photography © Tom Wenger Photography, LLC, Harrisburg Pennsylvania Photographer
Andy Hoff, another Harrisburg Camera Club member, mentoring one of the campers.

Editorial Photography © Tom Wenger Photography, LLC, Harrisburg Pennsylvania Photographer

Editorial Photography © Tom Wenger Photography, LLC, Harrisburg Pennsylvania Photographer

Editorial Photography © Tom Wenger Photography, LLC, Harrisburg Pennsylvania Photographer
At the end of the week Gary Dwight Miller, senior photographer for the Patriot News, helped the photograhers select their best images to be printed to and 11"X14" print and framed for display in the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King City Government Center for Gallery Walk. In addition the campers each got a second 11"X14" matted print to take home with them. Did I mention that the campers really got a lot out of the camp?
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